Thursday, April 5, 2012

Waiting waiting waiting

I'm still waiting for my house inspection. Tuesday I got a txt saying it was going to be delayed until Wednesday. It's Thursday now and still no sign of my property manager. Good thing too since my delightful son totally trashed my living room.  Le sigh.

I've been trying to sell some of the excess possessions I have. Trying to clear out my wardrobe and maybe fund getting more winter clothes for the Munchkin. Not going so well at the moment since no-one seems interested in the contents of my wardrobe. Not really surprising either since most of it is SOOOOOO dated and no-one would wear it anytime in the next millennium. Oh well. I might have to donate it to the Salvation Army and let them deal with it.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Crisis Averted

I've been in major panic mode for the last few days. I haven't been able to take my anti-depressants because I didn't have any. This caused my stress levels to bump up from med withdrawals. Add in money worries and I'm even more stressed out. On top of that bung in a house inspection and I'm running around like a headless chicken!
Well I've sorted out the meds now so I have them to take. YAY!
Money is still tight but I managed to get a food parcel from the Salvation Army and now I'm not panicking about not having any food to feed the Munchkin with. YAY!
The house inspection has been delayed until tomorrow which gives me a tiny bit more breathing room. The weather isn't exactly being cooperative though so mopping the floors is going to be a treacherous job. Wet floors don't dry so well when it's pissing down with rain outside. Since it's just supposed to get worse over the rest of the week I guess I'm just going to have to deal with it and maybe towel dry the floors after they're mopped.
I'm not going to risk taking the weed eater/line trimmer outside while it's bucketing down since it's an electric one. Screw that for a joke!!

My mum can be a major pain in the ass but I really do love her to bits. I asked that she come over to look after the Munchkin so I could go to my doctors appointment (the munchkin was asleep) and she not only looked after the Munchkin, she also washed the dishes for me. Such a life saver! Especially since my darling husband used my dish gloves for the rubbish this morning. Eww.

Monday, April 2, 2012


Today is Antonys birthday. 2 years ago today I was in the hospital torn between wanting to delay the inevitable indefinitely and wanting to complete things so I could grieve.

Many tears were shed that day and in the weeks and months following. Tears are being shed today too.

Gone but never forgotten my baby, missed always.

Laziness and procrastination

I hate being lazy, I really do. I'd love to wake up one day with all the motivation to do everything I want to do and no sign of procrastination anywhere.

Then again I'd also love a genie and 3 wishes.

Dreams are free.

Right now I'm procrastinating from doing housework, some of which NEEDS doing and has needed doing for a little while. I hate the dishes, I wash them and I get mad eczema on my hands. I wash them wearing gloves and I still get eczema. My arms cramp up from the bench being the wrong height, my hips kill me from standing for so long. Dishes are my arch nemesis.
And yet I'm left to do them all. The. Time. Thanks a bunch honey.

I have a house inspection tomorrow and I have more things on my checklist that require doing than have been ticked off. Big big jobs like mowing the lawns are thankfully crossed off the list, smaller jobs like wiping the stove and cleaning the oven are still waiting.
I'd love to mop the floors and wipe the windows, anything so I don't have to wash these fucking dishes but both the floor cleaner and the window cleaner are locked up tight in the garage, a garage that is practically impossible for me to get into. In that regard, I'm screwed.

I want to make something nice and tasty for lunch. 2 problems, I have nothing to cook whatever I want for lunch in and our cupboards are very near bare. Shopping tonight, but that doesn't help me now.

I'm feeling very blah at the moment. Money worries are winding me up tight. I haven't been able to take my PND meds for a few days because of the weekend and the problem of having no money to be able to pay the doc, no money to be able to pay for the prescription and no transport to be able to get to either. I'm on the verge of tearing my hair out and sitting in the corner rocking back and forth laughing maniacally. I hate money troubles.

I have a feeling that the persistent dizziness over the last few days is because I'm in withdrawals from my happy pills. It's definitely odd being slightly dizzy all the time.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Out with the old, In with the new

I've just spruced up the page a little. I was getting bored with the dreary blackness of it so now it's very bright and colourful! Hope everyone enjoys the new colour scheme.


Lots of things happening here in the RRHC household.

We now have a vege garden thanks to men and their muscles. Well, the men skimmed and turned the soil and I planted everything. We're well on the way to having plenty to eat this winter! Onions, lots of onions. Celery, broccoli, cauli, cabbage, silver beet, lettuce and various different herbs. I'm also wanting to plant some carrots, spring onions, peas, butter beans and beets. I already have green beans growing in a different patch and they are giving me a handful of pods every few days. It's awesome! I love having a vege garden. The weeding gets a bit tedious but the reward of growing your own food makes up for it.
Along with the vege gardens we have fruit trees galore. 2 apple trees (one of which has really dodgy apples!), 3 fejoa trees, 2 guava trees, a lemon tree, some other sort of citrus tree (I haven't found out whether it's an orange or what yet), a couple of plum trees and also a fig tree. Sadly the plum season ended just as we moved in but the apple season is in full swing and the fejoas are just starting to ripen up. YUMMY!!!

In other news we have a house inspection on Tuesday. I was so looking forward to being able to spend my free weekend doing nothing, sleeping when I wanted to and so on but nooo, I have to clean windows (thank you munchkin and your sticky paws!!), mop floors and wash curtains. Luckily the Munchkin is elsewhere this weekend so I can do things at my leisure and not have to run around after him all day!

Speaking of the Munchkin, I think he may FINALLY be getting some teeth. He is drooling copiously, chewing everything in sight including me and frequently grizzly. He may also be grizzly because he has some sort of virus at the moment that is giving his a cough and a runny nose. Nothing quite like getting your child up for the day and having to wipe away the green bubbles *gag*
Illnesses may be doing the rounds here since I seem to be having random bouts of dizziness. I can't think of a reason for it but it sure is annoying! Oh well I keep trucking along as usual and just hope I don't fall over when the dizziness hits.

I can't remember if I've said before but the Munchkin is going to home-based care 2 days a week and he really likes it. It gives me an invaluable opportunity to catch up on things that otherwise wouldn't happen (like extra sleep!) like planting my garden which only took 2 and a half hours (eek!). I can't imagine how long it would have taken me with the Munchkin grizzling at me, crawling around in the dirt and pulling the plants out as quick as I could plant them. Ok that's a worst case scenario but still, I didn't want to push it.

I'm not so happy with our phone company at the moment. Last month we finally decided to go to broadband because we could afford it, finally. I worked everything out so the deal that we got would mean that the slightly overdue amount already there wouldn't be too much of a bother since I'm getting 2 months free of charge (for phone line and broadband) right. Wrong, the phone company stuffs up and don't add the 2 months free on to my plan so I'm stuck with paying extra and blowing my budget WAY out for the next few weeks. Getting "courtesy calls" requesting you pay your bill NOW is never a good sign, especially when you can't pay your bill NOW. Luckily I sorted everything out with them so I now have my 2 months free of charge (starting next month) and I just have to pay extra for the next few weeks to cover the outstanding balance. *headdesk* their screw up and I'm the one being penalised for it. *Sigh*

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Well Oops...

My poor little munchkin has a touch of nappy rash at the moment. Nappy off time seems like a sensible solution right? Well it ended up being a slightly bad idea.

I was expecting there to maybe be an accident or two but I wasn't expecting THIS to happen!

Except think of this with no pants on and on carpet *headdesk*

Monday, March 5, 2012

The Source of all Evil - Children

Teeth. They are hell. My lovely little angel is finally getting his first tooth at 11 1/2 months old. He grizzles now like nothing else! Luckily it doesn't seem to be affecting his sleep, not that I'd notice anyway since The Man Thing is so kind to get up to The Munchkin during the night. Boy am I ever thankful for that!

We officially have a walker. He doesn't want to do anything else now! Crawling is quicker but walking is so much cooler. It also means The Munchkin can get into things easier now than he could before. He's getting tall! It scares me!

Now all my darling child has to perfect is the art of eating food rather than scattering it all over the kitchen and dining room! Since he decided that he doesn't like sitting in his high chair for more than a few minutes at a time we have had to take it off its legs. I completely freaked out when The Munchkin jumped out of it and landed on the floor! That's a good 1 metre drop! Amazingly he didn't cry, grizzle, squeak or squawk. He just picked up a piece of carrot he had dropped over the side of his high chair and started munching on it!
Talk about scaring the daylights out of his mummy!

Housework Day

By the time Mondays rock around there's usually a pile of laundry needing washing, drying and folding. Dishes stacked sky high on the bench and countless other chores that need doing. Mondays are my housework days. Thursdays are supposed to be too but I usually am too lazy come Thursday to do anything *giggle*

Why are Mondays housework days? The Munchkin is usually at his Home-Based care. HBC is an absolute godsend I can tell you! It gives me time to myself. I can do whatever I want during this time, sleep, eat. I usually end up doing housework though. How lame is that!

Today I discovered that my bedroom actually has carpet on the floor! Wowee, I haven't seen that since we moved in here just over a month ago. So much stuff had just been dumped in the bedroom because we didn't have anywhere else to put it. Now it has a home :)
The dishes are still sitting on the bench though the stack has reduced significantly. It's really weird but washing dishes makes BOTH my forearms cramp up something horrible. And The Man Thing wonders why I hate doing them...
The laundry pile is quite impressive today but it's slowly getting smaller. The weather is pretty pitiful today so the dryer is in full use. I'll have piles of folded washing stacked up everywhere before I know it. Hopefully I'll be able to put it all away before The Munchkin throws it all around the living room!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Backseat birth

This is a lovely story about an unexpected birth in the backseat of a car. Back Seat Birth  and so quick!

What shits me about this article is the language used. Take this for example:
''I was in the front seat and I had to get into the back seat. The most important thing was that my back was flat.''
What the heck? Who on earth told her that your back has to be flat during birth? Actually It makes things harder since you're technically pushing that baby uphill to get it out of the pelvis!

" I knew that Ryan could see the head and he told me to push. Once I did that it was all over with pretty quickly."
It's pretty clear that this was an unassisted birth since it was in the back of a car so WHY did she need to be told when to push? I know I didn't need telling when to push, in fact they tried getting me to NOT push because I had a lip of cervix left. It's kind of obvious that the woman in this story didn't have that. 

Why oh why are these attitudes so prevalent? She birthed her baby, her husband didn't deliver it.

At least there's nothing in the article about shoelaces.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


So my friend Kate over at A Year of Frugality has inspired me. Financial priorities and everything that comes with it.

I will admit to being horrible at sticking to a budget but that's usually both myself and The Man Thing buying things we don't need and at the worst possible times. Last week we spent most of our grocery money on takeaways and junk food! It was terrible! I guess even though we did that we still had 3 meals a day each and the Munchkin had nappies and formula to last him so there was at least SOME prioritizing. Also all the bills were paid.

We usually stick to a fairly strict budget but sometimes we slip up and then sometimes we slip up bad! Luckily we don't have a credit card or the like so we can't rach up a massive debt but let's just say that unless we are on a very strict budget, The Man Thing and I are hopeless with money.

Having a budget it our only saving grace. If we didn't have a budget we would be right royally screwed. It's actually suprising how easy it's been for us to have one and keep on top of all of our bills. Our budget is what has enabled us to go from piddly slow-as-a-wet-week dialup to broadband recently.

I have friends who have no idea how to prioritize and it's hard to see them falling over their feet time and time again but I've tried giving them advice and it always fails. Don't you hate that, trying to give someone advice and they come back with "But...but...but" to everything. People from all different walks of life have shown me this attitude. There's a point where I have to give up.

I always try to live within my means and I think we do a pretty good job, except when we have a bit of a blowout but then we're only human.

So after this ramble, what are your priorities?

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Torture by Infant

I can't believe how frustrating and infuriating an 11 month old can be! Especially when he's sick, even just a little.
We're not entirely sure what's wrong with him but I'm positive he's teething. He went and saw the doc today and his ears are BOTH a bit inflamed *headdesk* so he's got antibiotics for them. He has a bung eye from a stye so he has eye ointment for that even though I don't think he needs it because the stye has popped and is now almost completely healed. The Child is also having breathing problems and wheezing but according to the doctor he's perfectly fine. WTF? I had a nurse listen to his chest later on the same day and she heard him wheezing pretty badly so I have no idea what's going on.

PMS is killing me, along with horrible cramps :-( Even though it's the middle of summer (heh, so they say) I've had to sleep with a hot water bottle clutched to my abdomen and even paracetamol isn't helping.

You know it's real bad when even though you got a manicure and an eyebrow shape/wax for FREE and you still feel murderous.

My house is a total bombsite. It's a combination of being busy, having little to no energy and I think PND nipping at my heels. It's not nice for me at the moment. Add on top that my crawler is advancing to being a walker waaaaaay too quickly for my liking and I'm a wreck! Also he figured out how to get into the cupboards and so nothing within reach is safe! My kitchen is a complete bombsite because the darling child pulled everything out of my plastics cupboard and scattered it all over the floor. Admittedly I did let him but that was because I really couldn't be bothered with wrestling with him, finding some way to secure the handles so the cupboards wouldn't open then dealing with the ensuing tantrum afterwards. I'm having trouble getting out of bed in the morning let alone dealing with all of that.

My little angel has turned into a whingey, clingy, grumpy brat. Not quite but it sure feels like it at the moment! Him being unwell certainly isn't helping matters.

Anyway, sorry for the short rant, I just had to get that off my chest. More ranting to come soon, this time about The Man Thing. Censored of course because he reads this blog :-S

Ciao for now

Friday, January 27, 2012

Oh the Shame

I can't believe it's been more than 5 months since I last updated this! Where has the time gone?
Munchkin is a much bigger munchkin now, he's at about 9kg and boy do I feel it! I certainly know that I've gained some strength from lugging him around because I can now go from sitting on the floor with him in my arms to standing. It's extremely ungainly but I can do it! I couldn't even do that BEFORE I got pregnant.

It's hard to believe it but my little baby is growing up! It's too soon!! He's 10 months old now, has had his first Christmas and is on the verge of walking. It's scary, I tell ya.
Just before Christmas my little darling learned how to sit. He'd been commando crawling since October and he finally decided to crawl PROPERLY at about the same time he started sitting. He's a real little man now *sniff*

The Man-Thing has a job! A real one! He's been there for 3 months now which is a huge relief. It's a nice steady income and apart from a few blips in the road here and there it's been great. The Man Thing is happier now that he has a job and to be honest he's a lot more bearable to live with *wink*

So I have a crawling, climbing, babbling, cheeky little monkey who still terrorises me to the edge of my sanity but I love him to bits. I'm still taking my wonderful little while pills for my PND but it is a lot easier to cope with now. I've had group therapy sessions as well as one on one with a counsellor. Our PND therapy group has turned into a coffee group now so we meet up, usually weekly, and chat about anything and everything! I really like it.

Not much else to say right now than the baby is in bed, asleep and that's where I should be too.

Ciao peeps!