Friday, January 27, 2012

Oh the Shame

I can't believe it's been more than 5 months since I last updated this! Where has the time gone?
Munchkin is a much bigger munchkin now, he's at about 9kg and boy do I feel it! I certainly know that I've gained some strength from lugging him around because I can now go from sitting on the floor with him in my arms to standing. It's extremely ungainly but I can do it! I couldn't even do that BEFORE I got pregnant.

It's hard to believe it but my little baby is growing up! It's too soon!! He's 10 months old now, has had his first Christmas and is on the verge of walking. It's scary, I tell ya.
Just before Christmas my little darling learned how to sit. He'd been commando crawling since October and he finally decided to crawl PROPERLY at about the same time he started sitting. He's a real little man now *sniff*

The Man-Thing has a job! A real one! He's been there for 3 months now which is a huge relief. It's a nice steady income and apart from a few blips in the road here and there it's been great. The Man Thing is happier now that he has a job and to be honest he's a lot more bearable to live with *wink*

So I have a crawling, climbing, babbling, cheeky little monkey who still terrorises me to the edge of my sanity but I love him to bits. I'm still taking my wonderful little while pills for my PND but it is a lot easier to cope with now. I've had group therapy sessions as well as one on one with a counsellor. Our PND therapy group has turned into a coffee group now so we meet up, usually weekly, and chat about anything and everything! I really like it.

Not much else to say right now than the baby is in bed, asleep and that's where I should be too.

Ciao peeps!