Tuesday, February 28, 2012


So my friend Kate over at A Year of Frugality has inspired me. Financial priorities and everything that comes with it.

I will admit to being horrible at sticking to a budget but that's usually both myself and The Man Thing buying things we don't need and at the worst possible times. Last week we spent most of our grocery money on takeaways and junk food! It was terrible! I guess even though we did that we still had 3 meals a day each and the Munchkin had nappies and formula to last him so there was at least SOME prioritizing. Also all the bills were paid.

We usually stick to a fairly strict budget but sometimes we slip up and then sometimes we slip up bad! Luckily we don't have a credit card or the like so we can't rach up a massive debt but let's just say that unless we are on a very strict budget, The Man Thing and I are hopeless with money.

Having a budget it our only saving grace. If we didn't have a budget we would be right royally screwed. It's actually suprising how easy it's been for us to have one and keep on top of all of our bills. Our budget is what has enabled us to go from piddly slow-as-a-wet-week dialup to broadband recently.

I have friends who have no idea how to prioritize and it's hard to see them falling over their feet time and time again but I've tried giving them advice and it always fails. Don't you hate that, trying to give someone advice and they come back with "But...but...but" to everything. People from all different walks of life have shown me this attitude. There's a point where I have to give up.

I always try to live within my means and I think we do a pretty good job, except when we have a bit of a blowout but then we're only human.

So after this ramble, what are your priorities?

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Torture by Infant

I can't believe how frustrating and infuriating an 11 month old can be! Especially when he's sick, even just a little.
We're not entirely sure what's wrong with him but I'm positive he's teething. He went and saw the doc today and his ears are BOTH a bit inflamed *headdesk* so he's got antibiotics for them. He has a bung eye from a stye so he has eye ointment for that even though I don't think he needs it because the stye has popped and is now almost completely healed. The Child is also having breathing problems and wheezing but according to the doctor he's perfectly fine. WTF? I had a nurse listen to his chest later on the same day and she heard him wheezing pretty badly so I have no idea what's going on.

PMS is killing me, along with horrible cramps :-( Even though it's the middle of summer (heh, so they say) I've had to sleep with a hot water bottle clutched to my abdomen and even paracetamol isn't helping.

You know it's real bad when even though you got a manicure and an eyebrow shape/wax for FREE and you still feel murderous.

My house is a total bombsite. It's a combination of being busy, having little to no energy and I think PND nipping at my heels. It's not nice for me at the moment. Add on top that my crawler is advancing to being a walker waaaaaay too quickly for my liking and I'm a wreck! Also he figured out how to get into the cupboards and so nothing within reach is safe! My kitchen is a complete bombsite because the darling child pulled everything out of my plastics cupboard and scattered it all over the floor. Admittedly I did let him but that was because I really couldn't be bothered with wrestling with him, finding some way to secure the handles so the cupboards wouldn't open then dealing with the ensuing tantrum afterwards. I'm having trouble getting out of bed in the morning let alone dealing with all of that.

My little angel has turned into a whingey, clingy, grumpy brat. Not quite but it sure feels like it at the moment! Him being unwell certainly isn't helping matters.

Anyway, sorry for the short rant, I just had to get that off my chest. More ranting to come soon, this time about The Man Thing. Censored of course because he reads this blog :-S

Ciao for now