Saturday, March 31, 2012


Lots of things happening here in the RRHC household.

We now have a vege garden thanks to men and their muscles. Well, the men skimmed and turned the soil and I planted everything. We're well on the way to having plenty to eat this winter! Onions, lots of onions. Celery, broccoli, cauli, cabbage, silver beet, lettuce and various different herbs. I'm also wanting to plant some carrots, spring onions, peas, butter beans and beets. I already have green beans growing in a different patch and they are giving me a handful of pods every few days. It's awesome! I love having a vege garden. The weeding gets a bit tedious but the reward of growing your own food makes up for it.
Along with the vege gardens we have fruit trees galore. 2 apple trees (one of which has really dodgy apples!), 3 fejoa trees, 2 guava trees, a lemon tree, some other sort of citrus tree (I haven't found out whether it's an orange or what yet), a couple of plum trees and also a fig tree. Sadly the plum season ended just as we moved in but the apple season is in full swing and the fejoas are just starting to ripen up. YUMMY!!!

In other news we have a house inspection on Tuesday. I was so looking forward to being able to spend my free weekend doing nothing, sleeping when I wanted to and so on but nooo, I have to clean windows (thank you munchkin and your sticky paws!!), mop floors and wash curtains. Luckily the Munchkin is elsewhere this weekend so I can do things at my leisure and not have to run around after him all day!

Speaking of the Munchkin, I think he may FINALLY be getting some teeth. He is drooling copiously, chewing everything in sight including me and frequently grizzly. He may also be grizzly because he has some sort of virus at the moment that is giving his a cough and a runny nose. Nothing quite like getting your child up for the day and having to wipe away the green bubbles *gag*
Illnesses may be doing the rounds here since I seem to be having random bouts of dizziness. I can't think of a reason for it but it sure is annoying! Oh well I keep trucking along as usual and just hope I don't fall over when the dizziness hits.

I can't remember if I've said before but the Munchkin is going to home-based care 2 days a week and he really likes it. It gives me an invaluable opportunity to catch up on things that otherwise wouldn't happen (like extra sleep!) like planting my garden which only took 2 and a half hours (eek!). I can't imagine how long it would have taken me with the Munchkin grizzling at me, crawling around in the dirt and pulling the plants out as quick as I could plant them. Ok that's a worst case scenario but still, I didn't want to push it.

I'm not so happy with our phone company at the moment. Last month we finally decided to go to broadband because we could afford it, finally. I worked everything out so the deal that we got would mean that the slightly overdue amount already there wouldn't be too much of a bother since I'm getting 2 months free of charge (for phone line and broadband) right. Wrong, the phone company stuffs up and don't add the 2 months free on to my plan so I'm stuck with paying extra and blowing my budget WAY out for the next few weeks. Getting "courtesy calls" requesting you pay your bill NOW is never a good sign, especially when you can't pay your bill NOW. Luckily I sorted everything out with them so I now have my 2 months free of charge (starting next month) and I just have to pay extra for the next few weeks to cover the outstanding balance. *headdesk* their screw up and I'm the one being penalised for it. *Sigh*

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