Sunday, November 28, 2010

Grow my pretties, GROW!!

So I've finally got all my seedlings into the ground. All 13 tomatoes, 6 broccoli and 4 corn. So happy to have them all planted so they can grow all nice and big and strong.

Speaking of gardening, I really should get into weeding the scrub patch here at home. Not entirely looking forward to it since it means a lot of bending over and at the moment, with my lovely pregnant belly, bending over can cause my lungs to get squished lol. It's rather hard to take a breath when your chest cavity is suddenly full of intestines lol.

My strawberries are loving me. I've given them fertiliser and they're sprouting berries and flowers all over the place. Not many per plant, only 2-5 or so but when you multiply that by 12-14 plants, that's quite a few strawberries!!

I'm so proud of all my gardening lately, minus the weeding. The hellish weeding!!!

Monday, November 22, 2010


Well this morning I had a bit of a scare. I thought I had sprung a leak.
The man thing was out and I was alone to over think things.
The good news is I was poked, prodded, swabbed, sampled, measured, listened to, scanned and deemed perfectly ok. It's thought that I either peed myself without noticing, or the regular discharges down there had a flooding good time.
I rang the man thing before I headed off to the hospital and he came zooming into town and met me there. I hadn't told him what was up over the phone so he was worried as hell, wondering what was going on. In hindsight I really should have told him what was happening...

Well since we've been home (several hours now) I've hit the slump after all the adrenaline. All I want to do now is crash out and sleep for a while! If I didnt have a bouncy little jumping bean using my bladder as a trampoline then I might be able to get some sleep lol. I love feeling the movements, really, they're just so strong already!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Garage Sale SCORE!!

Oh before I forget I HAVE to tell you about this amazing score I made at a garage sale in my street this weekend. For $30 I got a change table, a capsule that does up to 13kg and a Mountain Buggy Urban. Yes, all of that for only $30!!!
Such a score!!

Sweet Emotion

Or not so sweet as the case may be. The man thing is lucky to be in one piece at the moment *wince* seeing as I've been one hell of a moody cow at the moment. Dreaming of your fiance cheating on you with any female that opens her legs is also likely to put one in a bad mood...

So yeah, today I've been happy, sad, frustrated, angry. In general, pregnant!

Bubby boy has been jiggling round in there quite happily today. I think I had a knee or a foot massaging my right flank while I was watering the plants. Felt rather interesting, let me tell you!

The bumpage is getting bumpier by the day. I'll take a photo tomorrow and show y'all.

My belly button cant make up its mind whether to be an innie or a flattie at the moment, it hasn't quite progressed to being an outie yet. Close, but not quite.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Mama worries

Tomorrow I will be at the same gestation as I was when I lost my first son Antony. Understandably this is making mama bear a bit on the worried side. Subconsiously more than anything else. I've avoided sitting down and consiously worrying about it happening again because I cant see the point in stressing myself out over something that is out of my control. Seems my subconsious has been doing the worrying for me.

So far I've had 2 nights of seriously crappy sleep. The night of 20w4d, which is the day that I had the anatomy scan with Antony that suggested there could be a problem with my cervix, and last night 21w, which was the night before I was admitted into hospital to await progress.

Well, the good news is I'm not in hospital so things are definately different this time.
Umm, bad news... I dont think I have any at this stage, and I bloody well hope it stays that way.

Tomorrow I will be lighting a candle for my lost son, to remember the short time that he was with us and to celebrate him becoming a big brother. So sad that he isn't here with us now...

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Mountaineering and ping pong balls

No I'm not about to go start climbing mountains, but I have been sifting through them. Mountains of baby clothes that is.

The man thing and I went on a little road trip to Auckland Tuesday/Wednesday to meet up with a few people and pick up some stuff for the baby. I got 2 doz flat cloth nappies (Thank you Lisa!!!) and a bag of absolutely pristine clothes from a friend (Thanks Steph!!!) but the biggest suprise came when the father-in-law gave us 2 boxes AND a black sack full of baby clothes. I was stunned. So, yesterday afternoon when we got home I started pulling it all out and sorting it into sizes/age ranges and *jaw drop* I don't think I'm going to have to buy anything for the next 2 years!!!

Currently on my coffee table I have a rather large stack of NB/0-3 month clothes. Mostly bodysuits and AIOs. The stack is a foot high!!! There's a smaller pile beside it of more wintery AIOs which I think will be a little too heavy for my Due-In-March baby.

We also had our first Antenatal Class last night. Gosh, it was fun. I was a bit nervous, ya know, meeting all these new people and stuff but it was pretty cool. I did my usual hang-around-in-the-background kind of thing but I did participate a little.
The man thing had no qualms about jumping in. He volunteered to wear the 7kg fat suit LOL. It was quite cute. I think the reason he did it was because they said he could try the entonox when we go for a spin through the delivery suite. Yeah, like he's never had that before *wink*

One of the most entertaining parts of the class was when we had to put ping pong balls into balloons (sounds really weird right?) then blow the balloons up a little. It was to simulate the uterus and how it works with the contractions, and also how Braxton Hicks contractions are different from Labour contractions.

Apart from that (which I thought was pretty cool, especially when we started shooting ping pong balls all around the room) I didn't actually learn anything that I didn't already know, either from reading pregnancy books, or the Internet.

Let's see how much I learn from these classes...

(Note to self: Use spell check... Mountain is NOT spelled mountian *facepalm*)

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Big tickets

Boy are we lucky. We keep being given things that will really come in handy for the baby like a cot, a high chair, a dresser...

The dresser and a recliner rocker chair are the latest items to join our lovely haphazard collection of furniture. I'm very happy that we have them since the new dresser now gives me a place to put all of the baby clothes that I'm accumulating as well as being able to set up a change area on the top of the dresser. No need for one of those fancy fandangled ones that you see now in the baby shops *wink*

Yesterday, the man thing and I (well mostly the man thing, I watched) rearranged the babys room and our bedroom to make our new acquisitions fit.

The new dresser was my grandmothers and it's one of those old style ones with the mirrors on the top, so I didn't think it was suitable for a babies room, thus it's now in my room with my clothes in it *wink* and I'm loving it. Sure, I had to whittle down the amount of clothes that I have in the drawers (good thing the man had an empty drawer in HIS dresser) but I have way too many clothes anyway lol, I wont miss them. My old dresser is now in babies room waiting to be filled.

The recliner rocker I'm going to most probably use as a breastfeeding chair since it's so comfortable.

Now the only big ticket item we have left to acquire (well hopefully the pram/stroller I have available for my use is suitable) is a carseat. I'm still exploring my options there but I'm definitely looking at what is available to see if any of it is what we want. We may possibly be hiring a capsule but at this point I'm not entirely sure.

Friday, November 5, 2010

It's a...

Whoop.. hold it.

So, I suck at keeping up this blog, obviously. I've abandoned you lovely people for 9 whole days!!! *gasp* It's horrible, how can I do such a thing.

Thus, here is an update of everything that has been going on lately.
The man thing felt the sprog squiggle the other day. He was really happy about that. He's had plenty of opportunity since then but hasn't taken advantage of it.

Umm, what else. Oh yeah, went for the Anatomy scan (also known as the 20 week scan) and everything there looked great. We came home with an abundance of pictures, some alien like and others not so. We also found out what flavour bubba is most likely to be. General consensus is: BOY!!