Monday, March 5, 2012

Housework Day

By the time Mondays rock around there's usually a pile of laundry needing washing, drying and folding. Dishes stacked sky high on the bench and countless other chores that need doing. Mondays are my housework days. Thursdays are supposed to be too but I usually am too lazy come Thursday to do anything *giggle*

Why are Mondays housework days? The Munchkin is usually at his Home-Based care. HBC is an absolute godsend I can tell you! It gives me time to myself. I can do whatever I want during this time, sleep, eat. I usually end up doing housework though. How lame is that!

Today I discovered that my bedroom actually has carpet on the floor! Wowee, I haven't seen that since we moved in here just over a month ago. So much stuff had just been dumped in the bedroom because we didn't have anywhere else to put it. Now it has a home :)
The dishes are still sitting on the bench though the stack has reduced significantly. It's really weird but washing dishes makes BOTH my forearms cramp up something horrible. And The Man Thing wonders why I hate doing them...
The laundry pile is quite impressive today but it's slowly getting smaller. The weather is pretty pitiful today so the dryer is in full use. I'll have piles of folded washing stacked up everywhere before I know it. Hopefully I'll be able to put it all away before The Munchkin throws it all around the living room!

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