Saturday, December 18, 2010

Umm THAT's not meant to happen, is it?

Well what else am I supposed to think when I find NYLON in my Hoohaa? Logical explanation is it's part of my suturing, right? UH OH!!
Yeah, here's the thing, OB (not mine, the one on call) says "Well there's nothing I can do about it. We will have to wait and see" *Headdesk*  Gee, thanks doc!

And that was only after the FIRST piece. I haven't reported the second yet *Blush* 

Well I know for sure it's some of the suturing material because I now don't have nylon radiating from my cervix. Bedroom activities are much more comfortable for the man thing lol. I know for a fact my cervix is still nice and closed, just how it should be. Now it better bloody well stay that way!!

Just one more thing to be paranoid about I guess *sigh*


  1. oh no. Have you got back to them again to see what they will do about it? they must not have tied it very tight if they just came out. How was that supposed to hold the cervix shut if they did it that loose?

  2. No I'm going to ring tomorrow morning to talk to MY midwife about it. I tried ringing a couple of times and there was no answer. Stoopid hospital.

    The suturing is done kind of like a drawstring pouch purse, if you can imagine that. It goes through parts of my cervix to create scar tissue which, in theory, is supposed to reinforce the rest of the cervix. It's not just tied around the cervix, it's through it.

    I think that the pieces are dissolving sutures as the end of it looks frayed. Why they put dissolving sutures in there I dont know.
