Spoilt? Is that even a word?
I feel so lucky! My grandmother is quite seriously looking forward to meeting her great-grandchild and thus she is showering me with gifts. For the baby of course.
I have a full set of newborn clothes, all without even asking for anything. She's just been buying these things and giving them to me. It's awesome. It's like Christmas lol.
Since at this point there's no reason for me to buy any clothes, nana has that all sorted, I've been putting money into other baby related items like a nappy bucket (because I'm one of those nutty people who is going to be using cloth nappies, and not even Modern Cloth Nappies!), a bouncinette like this one but in black.

And a black, red and white baby gym with matching play mat.
I'm totally in love with the play gym/mat set.
My son has one of those bouncinette's and it is so awesome, way better than those newer design looking things (we had one of those that he used until we got givin this one, he has never been back in the other one.