Saturday, April 16, 2011

Boobie Madness

So breastfeeding is still tormenting me, but not as much as it was. I talked to a Lactation Consultant and she said that my problem could be that I don't have a lot of breast tissue, the milk producing tissue, and that could be why I'm not having an easy time of it. Seth is now starting to take even more formula at his topups, up from about 50mls at a time to anywhere up to 90mls. I'm still giving him as much boob as he will take, he just drains them and gets really fussy because he's sucking and barely any dribbles are coming out.
I'm wondering if my boobs are going to go through a growth spurt and suddenly start producing more milk (heh, wishful thinking right) but something is going on with them at the moment because about an hour after a feed my boobs start getting a bit stingy painful and it tends to just linger until the next feed. Weird, huh! It's similar to the achey feeling I would get in my boobs occasionally during my menstrual cycle.

I'm still taking my Domperidone and supplimenting my diet with other lactation promoting foods and trying to get enough protein and plain enough to eat! I'm terrible for forgetting to eat.


  1. I hope things are looking up for you on the feeding front.

    Been a while since the last update so hope all is going well.

  2. How is everything going with you, bubs and the man thing?
