Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Oh the Excitement

Seems that I'm destined to have an exciting pregnancy. Over the weekend I was back up the hospital again for pains and finding MORE of the stitch work, and I had a couple of symptoms of a urinary tract infection so I wanted to get it checked out.
Turned out that I DON'T have a urinary tract infection, the ache in my back is most likely just from bubs pressing on one of the ribs round the front and where the pain is round the back is where the stress is being transferred to so it's aching.

Good news about the stitch work though is there's more than one loop of it holding my cervix closed so what's fallen out so far isn't panic-worthy. Sure, it's a little concerning that it's falling out at all but at this point there's nothing they can do about it.

This morning I got to visit the lovely Dildo-cam again and had my cervical length checked. At the scan 3 weeks ago it was 27mm long but today it's only 20mm long. That's still a pretty decent length of cervix but the concern is in the fact that it is still shortening. Bubs is persistently breech at the moment and seems in no hurry to move. So anyway the OB and I had a little bit of a chat and everything and we made some decisions about what to do. I'm having steroid injections to help mature baby's lungs faster just in case he does decide to make his grand entrance in the near future, I have to go back to the hospital to get jabbed in the bum again tomorrow lol. The injection stings!!
And also I'm going to pack an emergency bag that we can just pick up and run out the door with so I don't have to be fluffing around with finding clothes and so the man thing doesn't have to worry about trying to find me something that I will actually wear. Knowing him he'll just grab a handful of shirts and a pair of pants and none of it will fit me lol. Either that or it will all be too heavy for the weather at the moment and I'll end up overheating. Best to make sure it's all packed by me, the right way *Wink*

I hope everyone else had a good Christmas and it was a lot less drama filled than mine.

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